Wednesday, April 3, 2019

D365FO Data management – CustCustomerEntity export/import financial dimensions small setup step:

When using Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations (D365O) Data management – CustCustomerEntity for data export/import, and when financial dimensions are involved, there is a small setup step which must be done prior to export/import.
If this step is not done, the following error is displayed when trying to export/import:
DEFAULTDIMENSIONDISPLAYVALUE screenshot of error message
“No active format for data entities has been set up. Set up an active format for each dimension format type.”

Here is how to resolve this error message:

To see the customer’s existing financial dimensions, access the customer list page into the customer details using the Financial dimensions fast tab.
Customizing financial dimensions on customer record
In this implementation, we are using 5 financial dimensions, as shown above. Not all dimensions are required to be filled.
In order to successfully export the customer record, we need to set up the format. This is found at General ledger> Chart of accounts> Dimensions> Financial dimension configuration for integrating applications (mi=DimensionIntegrationConfiguration).
Financial dimension configuration for integrating applications
  1. Add a new default dimension format. In this case, we name it “Customer import”.
  2. Use dimension format type “Default dimension format”.
  3. Select the financial dimensions which will be exported/imported as part of the Customers data entity.
  4. To maintain simplicity, I specifically ordered the financial dimensions in the same sequence (alphabetical) as they appear on the customer details form (shown on previous image).
  5. The system will display a format example. This is comprised of the selected dimensions separated by a hyphen.
  6. Set the format “Active for type”.
Now, when exporting the customer record, we see that the financial dimension is displayed properly.
Example of successful export
Use the same format for entering data into a spreadsheet for import using Data management – CustCustomerEntity.
Important: Note that the hyphen separator is always required, even if no value is provided for a dimension (see first line, where both the first and fifth dimensions are not specified).

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Data Management import or export error in D365FO:

Hi All,

In order to fix the below issue in Data Management D65FO:
when i am trying to import or export getting below error 
System.Exception: Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0000033
at Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Tools.DMF.ServiceProxy.DmfEntitySharedTypesProxy.DoWork[T](Func`1 work)
at Dynamics.AX.Application.DMFGenerateSSISPackage.`generateFileDataV2(DMFDefinitionGroupExecution _dmfDefinitionGroupExecution, String _defGroupName, DMFFileFormat _fileFormat, DMFDelimiter _rowDelimiter, DMFDelimiter _columnDelimiter, String _codePage, String _locale, NoYes _isFirstRowHeader, NoYes _unicode, String _source, String _textQualifier, DMFXMLStyle _style, String _rootElement, String _filePath, Map _entitySyncVersion, Int32 _previewCount, Boolean @_entitySyncVersion_IsDefaultSet, Boolean @_previewCount_IsDefaultSet) in xppSource://Source/ApplicationFoundation\AxClass_DMFGenerateSSISPackage.xpp:line 1230

Solution: updated  SQL Server Licence in all AOS Machines and SQL Server Machine.  

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

How to enable access into the environment by specifying which IPs in D365:

Enable access into the environment by specifying which IPs can access the environment for a given service type.

1. Go to LCS for your project.
2. Go to Maintain - Enable access as below.

3. enter the public IP to connect to the RDP.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

How to get the User Date Sequence in Axapta2012 / D365OF:

Normally, we specify 123 or 321 sequence in str2Date(). But, in order to get the sequence randomly the below code is useful:

static int userDateSequence()
        int     ds1, ds2, ds3;
        date    d = str2Date('2015/12/18', 321);
        str     s = strFmt('%1', d);

        void datepart(str strDate, str dval, int part)
            if (strEndsWith(strDate, dval))
            ds3 = part;
            else if (strStartsWith(strDate, dval))
            ds1 = part;
            ds2 = part;

        datepart(s, '18', 1);
        datepart(s, '12', 2);
        datepart(s, '2015', 3);

        return ds1 * 100 + ds2 * 10 + ds3;

How to fetch HSNCode in Ax2012 Indian GST Microsoft Hotfix:

In order to get the value of HSN code in Ax2012, we should know where exactly the HSN code is attached?
1. Normally, HSN code is attached to each item on the Item master under Foreign tab.
2. At the sales or purchase order line under Tax information-GST Tab, the HSN code can be manually selected by user.

The list of tables which has reference to other tables below:

TaxDocument has a reference to SalesTable.
TaxDocumentExtension_IN has a reference to TaxDocument.
TaxDocumentRow has  reference to SalesLine.
TaxDocumentRowTransaction has a reference to CustInvoiceTrans, CustInvoiceJour.
SalesLine_IN has a reference to SalesLine.

TaxDocumentRowTransaction_IN has the HSN code, which will have reference to TaxDocumentExtension_IN and TaxDocumentRowTransaction.

The below code is used to fetch the HSN Code:
//Normally, HSNCode if fetched from the InventTable but otherwise, it will also be fetched from salesline level.:

TaxDocumentRowTransaction       taxDocumentRowTransaction;
TaxDocumentRowTransaction_IN    taxDocumentRowTransaction_IN;
SalesTable                  salesTable;
SalesLine_IN                salesLine_IN;

salesLine_IN    = custInvoiceTrans.salesLine().salesLine_IN();
//TmpSalesPurchRegister is my buffer table.

//TmpSalesPurchRegister.Intracode     = HSNCodeTable_IN::find(InventTable::find(TmpSalesPurchRegister.ItemId).HSNCodeTable_IN).Code;
            Select RecId, TransactionJourLineRecId from taxDocumentRowTransaction
                where taxDocumentRowTransaction.TransactionJourLineRecId == custInvoiceTrans.RecId
            join HSNCode, TaxDocumentRowTransactionRecId from taxDocumentRowTransaction_IN
                where taxDocumentRowTransaction_IN.TaxDocumentRowTransactionRecId == taxDocumentRowTransaction.RecId;

            /*select * from taxTrans where taxTrans.SourceRecId == custInvoiceTrans.RecId
            join taxTrans_IN where taxTrans_IN.RefRecId == taxTrans.RecId;

                TmpSalesPurchRegister.Intracode = taxDocumentRowTransaction_IN.HSNCode;
                //TmpSalesPurchRegister.Intracode = HSNCodeTable_IN::find(taxTrans_IN.HSNCodeTable).Code;
                TmpSalesPurchRegister.Intracode = HSNCodeTable_IN::find(salesLine_IN.HSNCodeTable).Code;