Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Small Code

static void DateUpdateJob(Args _args)
Table1 Table1;
date Condition_date;

Condition_date = Str2DateDMY("15/6/2010");
While select forupdate Table1 where Table1.DDate == Condition_date
Table1.DDate = Mkdate(13,03,2007);

Friday, February 19, 2010


1.Customer Relationship Management

CRM is not a product, not even a suite of products,but a business philosophy that touches upon many independent parts of the organization

To speed customer acquisition, increase customer satisfaction and retention, and the company profit, it is necessary to develop a customer centric business model linking back and front office around the three pillars that are Sales, Marketing and Services.

CRM has mainly three goals:

i. Achieve higher revenues per customer by knowing and serving your customers better.
ii. Increase customer satisfaction and retention by integrating information from multiple channels stored in disparate systems.
iii. Lower costs to acquire and service customers by using technology to automate, manage, and analyze processes and data.

2. Supplier Relationhip Management

Definition of a SRM: “the practices needed to establish the business rules, and the understanding needed for interacting with suppliers of products and services of varied criticality to the profitability of the enterprise”....

SRM as the next generation of e-procurement or more specifically an integrated solution “that bridges product development,sourcing, supply planning, and procurement across the value chain”.

The same 3 pillars, adapted to a procurement perspective:
Suppliers services

In this case, marketing has to be understood as the mean to attract, filter suppliers, and
promote the company needs.

CRM, SRM needs to support the company-supplier relationship during its entire
lifecycle, meaning:
• Attract new suppliers: in a knowledge economy where goods can be produced anywhere around the world, finding the “best” supplier is becoming a complex task;
• Acquire new suppliers by doing business with them;
• Suppliers retention and development: retaining the best suppliers is the best warranty to
maintain a competitive edge;
• End of relationship by rejection or termination of contract: ending a contract with “bad”
suppliers is a necessary safeguard for the company and understanding why “good” suppliers are leaving is valuable information.
By opposition to CRM, SRM’s goal is to help the company to be a better purchaser by supporting and developing its understanding of suppliers. Some services can help the supplier directly or support its relationship with its own suppliers.

A SRM will therefore help the company gain the following competitive advantages:

1. Increase satisfaction of goods and services purchased and speed up product development by promoting a shared knowledge of suppliers and alternative technologies.
2. Increase supplier’s satisfaction to attract and retain the most competitive ones.
3. Lower prices for purchase and maintenance of goods and services by improving business processes across the supply chain.

Customer service and support:
CRM products are intended to support the company during its post-sale relation with its clients. Their goal is to help provide the best quality and most suited services at the lowest cost.

The SRM is pursuing the same objective, except that it is turned towards the inside (as developed in section 3) to collect and manage the information from all departments.

For example, when a problem is identified on a product - worker on a production line,customer, quality control…- the suppliers repository is updated by the call management unit and the incident is tracked.The procurement officer is automatically informed of the problem and contacts the supplier. The product line is adapted and the product design is perhaps modified to solve the problem. In the future, as the corporation has created a collective memory, this incident can have an impact on the adjudication when selecting a supplier.

Sales vs. Purchase:
The goal of this family of products is to automate the sales force or at least many of its tasks to improve their efficiency and reduce time and cost of sales.

Solutions to support the purchase of products or services are already common. Electronic catalogues, auctioning and electronic request for proposals (RFP) are only the last evolutions in a series of improvement since the 70’s. The SRM solution is the natural evolution of these as it integrates them with the rest of the procurement activities, especially product design and development.

Imagine a system,which could automatically adjudicate purchases for common goods, help prioritize needs and select the adequate purchase method: auction, catalogue, RFP.

Marketing (Marketing automation):
Marketing is at the center of any sales strategy. CRM support to marketing was therefore inevitable. In the contrary, the best warranty for a successful purchase is, for many purchase officers , the number of suppliers in competition. By promoting its needs using marketing techniques (single, multiplechannel campaigns) a company can attract as many suppliers as required. Company directories can also be used, but automated tools to search on the Internet for suppliers are now emerging.

In a CRM, they are primarily turn towards the outside of the company to respond to customer request. In a SRM, to collect information about your suppliers, you mainly search the information within the organization and not outside. SRM support tools are therefore
communicating internally although it can also provide communication channel with the outside to respond to specific suppliers requests concerning warranties,contract negotiation, delivery conditions and any other related question.

5. SRM inablers and inhibitors:
Implementing a SRM business philosophy in a company is not a simple matter especially as
“enterprises are not in the habit of looking to their internal procurement managers as the key to supporting customers”

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Project Management Life Cycle

Even this is not related to Axapta iam placing for knowledge sharing related to Project.....

Project Management Life Cycle

Project Management Life Cycle comprises four phases...

Initiation involves starting up the project, by documenting a business case, feasibility study, terms of reference, appointing the team and setting up a Project Office.

Planning involves setting out the roadmap for the project by creating the following plans: project plan, resource plan, financial plan, quality plan, acceptance plan and communications plan.

Execution involves building the deliverables and controlling the project delivery, scope, costs, quality, risks and issues.

Closure involves winding-down the project by releasing staff, handing over deliverables to the customer and completing a post implementation review.

Project Initiation

Project Initiation is the first phase in the Project Life Cycle and essentially involves starting up the project. You initiate a project by defining its purpose and scope, the justification for initiating it and the solution to be implemented. You will also need to recruit a suitably skilled project team, set up a Project Office and perform an end of Phase Review. The Project Initiation phase involves the following six key steps:

Project Planning

After defining the project and appointing the project team, you're ready to enter the detailed Project Planning phase. This involves creating a suite of planning documents to help guide the team throughout the project delivery. The Planning Phase involves completing the following 10 key steps:

Project Execution

With a clear definition of the project and a suite of detailed project plans, you are now ready to enter the Execution phase of the project.

This is the phase in which the deliverables are physically built and presented to the customer for acceptance.

While each deliverable is being constructed, a suite of management processes are undertaken to monitor and control the deliverables being output by the project.

These processes include managing time, cost, quality, change, risks, issues, suppliers, customers and communication.

Once all the deliverables have been produced and the customer has accepted the final solution, the project is ready for closure.

Project Closure

Project Closure involves releasing the final deliverables to the customer, handing over project documentation to the business, terminating supplier contracts, releasing project resources and communicating project closure to all stakeholders. The last remaining step is to undertake a Post Implementation Review to identify the level of project success and note any lessons learned for future projects.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Plant Maintenance Points

There are different types of Plant Maintenance :-

Maintenance systems can be grouped into 5 major groups:
1.Operator Maintenance
2.Breakdown Maintenance
3.Scheduled Maintenance
4.Planned Maintenance
5.Preventive Maintenance

The purpose of maintenance is to make available for production purpose, machinery and equipment to fulfill their technological functions as specified and economically which means that the output quality and quantity from each machine or equipment will conform to specified purposes.
Performance tuning is the improvement of system performance. This is typically a computer application, but the same methods can be applied to economic markets, bureaucracies or other complex systems. The motivation for such activity is called a performance problem, which can be real or anticipated. Most systems will respond to increased load with some degree of decreasing performance.
A system's ability to accept higher load is called scalability, and modifying a system to handle a higher load is synonymous to performance tuning.

• Systematic tuning follows these steps:
1. Assess the problem and establish numeric values that categorize acceptable behavior.
2. Measure the performance of the system before modification.
3. Identify the part of the system that is critical for improving the performance. This is called the bottleneck.
4. Modify that part of the system to remove the bottleneck.
5. Measure the performance of the system after modification.

This is an instance of the measure-evaluate-improve-learn cycle from quality assurance.
A performance problem may be identified by slow or unresponsive systems. This usually occurs because high system loading, causing some part of the system to reach a limit in its ability to respond. This limit within the system is referred to as a bottleneck.
A handful of techniques are used to improve performance. Among them are code optimization, load balancing, caching strategy, and distributed computing, and self-tuning.
The topics covered in this are:-
1. Performance analysis
2. Performance engineering
3. Code optimization
4. Caching strategy
5. Load balancing
6. Distributed computing
7. Self-tuning
8. Bottlenecks

Document management system

A document management system (DMS) is a computer system (or set of computer programs) used to track and store electronic documents and/or images of paper documents. The term has some overlap with the concepts of content management systems. It is often viewed as a component of enterprise content management (ECM) systems and related to digital asset management, document imaging, workflow systems and records management systems.
In the broadest sense, document management systems can range from a shoebox all the way to an enterprise content management system. There are several common issues that are involved in managing documents, whether the system is an informal, ad-hoc, paper-based method for one person or if it is a formal, structured, computer enhanced system for many people across multiple offices.
Where will documents be stored? Where will people need to go to access documents? Physical journeys to filing cabinets and file rooms are analogous to the onscreen navigation required to use a document management system.
How will documents be filed? What methods will be used to organize or index the documents to assist in later retrieval? Document management systems will typically use a database to store metadata about documents and a File System to store the actual physical files.
How will documents be found? Typically, retrieval encompasses both browsing through documents and searching for specific information. What kind of information about documents are indexed for rapid retrieval?
How will documents be kept secure? How will unauthorized personnel be prevented from reading, modifying or destroying documents?
Disaster recovery
How can documents be recovered in case of destruction from fires, floods or natural disasters?
Retention period
How long should documents be kept, i.e. retained? As organizations grow and regulations increase, informal guidelines for keeping various types of documents give way to more formal records management practices.
How can documents be preserved for future readability?
How can documents be available to the people that need them?
If documents need to pass from one person to another, what are the rules for how their work should flow?
How are documents created? This question becomes important when multiple people need to collaborate, and the logistics of version control and authoring arise.
Is there a way to vouch for the authenticity of a document?
When, where and by whom are documents created, modified, published and stored?

Functions of DMS
Audit Trail
Document Security
Document Control
Adhering to Compliance